MILWAUKEE® BIG RED evaluation 2025

Thank you for this years BIG RED event!

Your feedback is highly appreciated and we would therefor like to know how the event was for you.
Please fill-in the evaluation below.

Thank you in advance.

Dealer Information

* indicates required question

MILWAUKEE® BIG RED Evaluation 2025

Please provide your best estimates for your evaluation.

* indicates required question

Please rate your experiences below from 1 - 5 (1 being low and 5 being high).

* indicates required question

Are you overall satisfied with the MILWAUKEE® event?*
Not at all
Very much
Are you satisfied with the number of MILWAUKEE® tools sold?*
Not at all
Very much
Are you satisfied with the number of MILWAUKEE® accessories sold?*
Not at all
Very much
Are you satisfied with the number of MILWAUKEE® hand tools & storage products sold?
Not at all
Very much
Are you satisfied with the number of MILWAUKEE® PPE products sold?
Not at all
Very much
Are you satisfied with MILWAUKEE® staff performance?*
Not at all
Very much

Is there anything that could have improved your experience?

* indicates required question

Is there anything you as a dealer could have done better?*
Is there anything MILWAUKEE® could have done better?*